We invite your organization to join the Vindhya Bachao initiative and become a partner of Vindhyan Ecology and Natural History Foundation. There is no fees, and you can simply email us directly with your proposal. We will never ever impose any commitment on you forcibly, however we will keep you informed and request you to participate in our programs. In return, we will promote your organization and help you reach the world through our website, facebook page and our strong network.
Vindhyan Ecology and Natural History Foundation’s environment advocacy and activism work and the enormous popularity of its Vindhya Bachao campaign have profoundly changed the conservation perspective in the region. Its efforts have created a generation of environment-conscious citizens who understand as never before the way excessive exploitation of natural resources affect the forests, rivers, climate, food and public health. Today, VENHF has expanded its programs to focus on the youth sensitization, climate mitigation and reducing impact of industrial development on human, environment, forests, rivers and wildlife to promote a sustainable development.
Under VENHFs leadership, the public has put the demand for safe and healthy environment on the front burner of government policymakers and has forced them to respond. VENHF's vision, sincerity, expertise, and persistence have forged hard-won victories and shaped new attitudes on environment, forests, rivers and health.
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