Mr. Firoz Ahmad and Dr. Laxmi Goparaju of Vindhyan Ecology and Natural History Foundation in partnership with Dr. Abdul Quyam of Dept. of Environment, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh has published a research paper on prospects of mapping natural resource based upon Landsat images, LIDAR data sets and Google map in conjugation as a reference map. The authors generated natural resource based maps of rural areas of the USA using the datasets available at USGS Earth explorer and Google Earth to reach the conclusion. The study shows the technique is better than traditional remote sensing analysis. The technique has the capacity to accurately analyze the forest variables at the landscape level and has been found to show more precise and cost effective measurements as compared to the traditional field related studies. At the local level that is at village level, such data can be harnessed for the betterment of rural people.
The study is published by International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources on 27th March, 2017 and is available for free download on the publisher's website here.
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