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representative image-deforestation

Mr. Firoz Ahmad and Dr. Laxmi Goparaju of VENHF have authored a research paper titled 'Long Term Deforestation Assessment in Jharkhand state, India: A grid based Geospatial Approach' in the international journal 'Biological Forum'. The open access article can be accessed on the journal's website here. An excerpt from the abstract and the full paper is also reproduced below:

Forest is a fundamental component of the environment. Deforestation is caused by various anthropogenic factors, forest fire and fragmentation of large contiguous forests. Deforestation represents a global issue mostly caused by human influence and the forest of Jharkhand, India is not an exception as they have also been witnessing large scale deforestation. The aim of the present study is to identify deforestation using historical data for the year 1935 (Survey of India topographical maps of 1924–1935) and for the year of 2015 with Landsat -8 datasets in Jharkhand, India. To achieve this objective, the analysis focuses on grid (5km*5 km) based assessment to detect long term change. The grid based analysis reveals forest percent in Jharkhand for the year 1935 and 2015 were roughly 49% and 23% respectively. The result shows 2596 forest grid for the year 1935 out of which 1372 forest grids were found present in the year 2015. 1224 forest grid (equivalent to 26% forest area) was lost during the span of 80 years. The analysis of remote sensing data in GIS domain and its derived product must be incorporated in forest conservation; management and planning which will certainly fetch better result in decision making support system

We congratulate the authors.

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Inventory of Traditional/Medicinal Plants in Mirzapur