Veteran wildlife expert Dr Asad Rahmani has endorsed our submission on Draft EIA Notification 2020, published by the MoEFCC inviting comments from the general public.
"I request the MoEFCC to modify the draft EIA Notification and make it stronger (not weaker) to protect our environment, forests and wildlife", stated Dr Rahmani in his email.
Dr Asad Rahmani is former Director of Bombay Natural History Society. He is Scientific Adviser to The Corbett Foundation, Hem Chand Mahindra Foundation and also Natural History adviser to Saevus, and RoundGlass Well Being Organization. He is also Board Member of Wetlands International and Bombay Natural History Society
If you haven’t sent your objections to MoEFCC yet, there are still 9 days till when you can send it. Feel free to use the information shared in our representation titled ‘Comments & Objections on the Draft EIA Notification 2020’ or endorse it by sending the same to