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The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEFCC) had published the Draft EIA Notification 2020 on its website on 12 March 2020 and invited comments from the general public within 60 days. However, a gazette notification was later published on 23 March 2020. The deadline for comments was extended till 30 June 2020 by the MoEFCC (Source). The revised deadline for submitting comments is 11 August 2020 as per the order of Delhi High Court.

Vindhyan Ecology & Natural History Foundation has reviewed the draft EIA notification and sent its objections to the MoEFCC on 27 April 2020. The report prepared by our experts compiles a critical analysis of some clauses in the proposed Draft Notification, identifies the provisions which could be modified to enable better environmental safeguards and also highlights clauses which would lead to severe environmental harm, and therefore require to be reconsidered and reviewed in the larger public interest.

If you haven’t sent your objections to MoEFCC yet, you can still send it till 11 August 2020. Feel free to use the information shared in our representation. You can also endorse our representation by sending the same to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a cc to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Download the full report- Comments & Objections on Draft EIA Notification 2020
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  1. Article by Preeta Dhar in Economic & Political Weekly journal dated 11 July 2020-Draft EIA Notification, 2020 Institutionalising Information Blindspots
  2. Coverage in Huffington Post dated 25 June 2020-Javadekar Overruled His Own Officials, Cut Short Window For Consultation To Push Controversial Environmental Law
  3. Article by Parul Gupta in Live Law- The Draft EIA Notification 2020 Is A Desperate Attempt To Dilute The Existing Environmental EIA Regulations dated 09 May 2020
  4. Coverage in The Times of India dated 01 May 2020-Draft dilutes rules to grant env clearance for industries
  5. Endorsement by Dr Asad Rahmani, former Director of Bombay Natural History Society

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